Ryota Maeda / 前田 涼汰
Ph.D. Student
Visual Media Engineering Lab (advised by Prof. Shinsaku Hiura)
Graduate School of Engineering
University of Hyogo
I was a visiting student at POSTECH in 2024, supervised by Prof. Seung-Hwan Baek and NAIST in 2018, supervised by Prof. Yasuhiro Mukaigawa. I worked as a research intern at CyberAgent AI Lab in 2022. Previously, I earned my Bachelor's (2020) and Master's (2022) degrees in Engineering from University of Hyogo.
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Event Ellipsometer: Event-based Mueller-Matrix Video Imaging
Ryota Maeda, Yunseong Moon, Seung-Hwan Baek,
CVPR 2025
[Project page]

Polarimetric Light Transport Analysis for Specular Inter-reflection
Ryota Maeda, Shinsaku Hiura,
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2024
[Project page]

Refinement of Hair Geometry by Strand Integration
Ryota Maeda, Kenshi Takayama, Takafumi Taketomi,
Computer Graphics Forum (PG2023), 2023.
[Project page]

EpiScope: Optical Separation of Reflected Components by Rotation of Polygonal Mirror
Ryota Maeda, Shinsaku Hiura,
SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Technical Communications, 2021.
[Project page]
External Links
GitHub LinkedIn Flickr Blog(Japanese) Google ScholarBackground
2013/4~2016/3 | The High School of University of Hyogo |
2016/4~2020/3 | School of Engineering, University of Hyogo |
2018/8~2018/9 | Internship at Optical Media Interface Lab (Mukaigawa Lab) at NAIST |
2019/4~present | Visual Media Engineering Lab (Hiura Lab) at University of Hyogo |
2020/4~present | Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo |
2022/8~2022/9 | Internship at CyberAgent AI Lab (and continued as a part-time work until 2023/10) |
2024/3~2025/2 | Visiting student at POSTECH Computer Graphics Lab |